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Monday, 31 October 2016

Are we making effort to Breathe?

# Freedom From Diseases #

Are we making effort to breathe?

Does our Heart, Kidney, Liver and for that matter any organ in our body function because of our effort?

No, is it not?

Our complete body is functioning effortlessly.

But, we make effort and create diseases.

At the same time, by making effort, we will never be able to come out of our diseases.

No medicine, no surgery cures our body. When we use medicine, undergo  surgery, it may appear initially that we got the cure. But in the long run, it will create some other diseases.

Then, how can we  come out of our diseases?

The only way to come out of diseases is surrendering to God, Nature, and our Body.

That's how the cure is happening in our body.

God cures and Doctor takes the fees, is it not?

- Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat, D.A.Sc.,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases"

Friday, 28 October 2016

Mind is the Cause of Majority of Health Problems.

Good Day To All Of You.

# Freedom From Diseases. #

Principle 5 of 5 - Stop Taking All Medicines.

Dr. B.M. Hegde, M.B.B.S., M.D.,

"Modern medicine claims to be based on science but research has found that majority of health problems stem from the mind while modern medicines can offer only a temporary relief. If one has a happy mind, his body is largely free from diseases.”


So, let us say no to medicines.


Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat, D.A.Sc.,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Thursday, 27 October 2016


Are you taking more than one medicine at a time? - You are inviting MORE trouble....

# Freedom From Diseases. #

Good Day To All Of You.

Principle 5 of 5 - Stop Taking All Medicines.

When we go to a Doctor for more than one health problem at a time, say for example,

(1) Fever & Body pain,

(2) Diabetes or Blood Pressure or etc.,

he will prescribe you more than one medicine at a time.

This is called Combination Drugs.

If you think it's Science, and lot of research work is behind prescribing more than one drug at a time, please read below what Dr. B.M. Hegde, M.B.B.S., M.D., has to say on this:

"No drug to date has been studied in combination with other drugs to be administered together in a given patient. In real life situations poly-pharmacy is the rule and not an exception. All the controlled studies are done on single drugs, in ideal experimental set ups, that are far removed from the ground realities of the real life situations in individual patient care.


We had already seen that by taking one medicine, we are inviting trouble.

Now rest assured that when we take more than one medicine at a time, we are inviting MORE trouble.

So, let us say no to medicines.


Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat, D.A.Sc.,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

No Medicine Is Necessary - Freedom From Diseases - Principle 5 of 5 - Stop Taking All Medicines

Good Day To All Of You.

# Freedom From Diseases. #

Principle 5 of 5 - Stop Taking All Medicines.

No medicine is necessary for him who eats after assuring (himself) that what he has (already) eaten has been digested.

- Thirukural, a 1st century Tamil Poem

So, let us say no to medicines.

- Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat, D.A.Sc.,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Death by Medicine - # Freedom From Diseases # - Principle 5 of 5 - Stop Taking All Medicines

Good Day To All Of You.

# Freedom From Diseases. #

Principle 5 of 5 - Stop Taking All Medicines.

In United States,

* The number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million.

* The total number of deaths relating to illness caused by medical examination or treatment is

* It is evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States.

To know more about this, please read:

'Death by Medicine', By Gary Null, Ph.D., PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; and Dorothy Smith, PhD

So, let us say no to medicines.


Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat, D.A.Sc.,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Monday, 24 October 2016

Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) - Principle 5 of 5 - Stop Taking All Medicines

Good Day To All Of You.

# Freedom From Diseases. #

Principle 5 of 5 - Stop Taking All Medicines.

Not because of Cancer and Heart Attack many people die. It's  because of medicines many people die.

This is called as 'Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR)'.

An adverse drug reaction(ADR) is an injury caused by taking a medication. ADRs may occur following a single dose or prolonged administration of a drug or result from the combination of two or more drugs.

Dr B M Hegde, M.B.B.S., M.D.,  Former Vice-chancellor, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), says:

"It’s adverse drug reaction that caused death among 2.5 lakh people in the country in 2010, closely followed by cancer and heart attack."

So, let us say no to medicines.

Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat.

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Sunday, 23 October 2016


Why do we get diseases and How to cure them......

Freedom From  Diseases

# Good Day To All Of You #

In Kannada I prepared a two page brief information telling about:

1. Why do we get diseases.

2. How to permanently get cure from diseases.

3. What is to be done when we are ill.

I do not know to read and write Kannada.  I took the help of Mrs. Gayathri Kemmanapalli Govindaraja Bhat, for translating this text into Kannada.

You can download it from my Facebook page link:

Page 1

Why do we get Diseases and how to cure them - Page 1 of 2

Page 2

Why do we get Diseases and how to cure them - Page 2 of 2

You can also download it from here:

Hope this is useful to all of you here.

With Love.

Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases"

Friday, 21 October 2016


Indian Government law lists 51 Diseases, which medicines should not claim that there is a cure....

Good Day To All Of You.

# Freedom From Diseases #

Principle 5 of 5 - Stop Taking All Medicines

I herewith copy below the Government of India's 'Drug and Cosmetics Act', which lists 51 diseases and ailments (by whatever name described) which a drug may not purport to prevent or cure or make claims to prevent or cure.


Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, 1945, 1995, ‘Schedule J’ contains a list of 51 diseases and ailments (by whatever name described) which a drug may not purport to prevent or cure or make claims to prevent or cure.

It can also be downloaded from this link:


Page No.444

 (See rule 106)

Diseases and ailments (by whatever name described) which a drug may not purport to prevent or cure or make claims to prevent or cure.

2. Angina Pectoris
3. Appendicitis
4. Arteriosclerosis
5. Baldness
6. Blindness
7. Bronchial Asthma
8. Cancer and Benign tumour
9. Cataract
10. Change in colour of the hair and growth of new hair.
11. Change of Foetal sex by drugs.
12. Congenital malformations
13. Deafness
14. Diabetes
15. Diseases and disorders of uterus.
16. Epileptic-fits and psychiatric disorders
17. Encephalitis
18. Fairness of the skin
19. Form, structure of breast
20. Gangrene
21. Genetic disorders
22. Glaucoma
23. Goitre
24. Hernia
25. High/low Blood Pressure
26. Hydrocele
27. Insanity
28. Increase in brain capacity and improvement of memory.
29. Improvement in height of children/adults.
.¨¨ Subs by GOI Notification No. G.S.R. 21(E) dt 11.1.1996.

Page 445

30. Improvement in size and shape of the sexual organ and in duration of sexual
31. Improvement in the strength of the natural teeth.
32. Improvement in vision
33. Jaundice/Hepatitis/Liver disorders
34 Leukaemia
35. Leucoderma
36. Maintenance or improvement of the capacity of the human being for sexual
37 Mental retardation, subnormalities and growth
38. Myocardial infarction
39. Obesity
40. Paralysis
41. Parkinsonism
42. Piles and Fistulae
43. Power to rejuvinate
44. Premature ageing
45. Premature greying of hair
46. Rheumatic Heart Diseases
47. Sexual Impotence, Premature ejaculation and spermatorrhoea
48. Spondylitis
49. Stammering
50. Stones in gall-bladder, kidney, bladder
51. Vericose Vein. ]


- Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat.

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases⁠⁠⁠⁠"

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Every Pill Is Followed By A Definite Illness

Good Day to all of you.

# Freedom From Diseases.#

# Principle 5 of 5 - Stop Taking All Medicines. #

"While there is certainly no pill for every illness, every pill is followed by a definite illness. Pills might thrill but could even kill."

- Dr. B.M. Hegde, M.B.B.S., M.D.


Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All diseases."

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

To Get Well, Let Us Say No To Medicines - Freedom From Diseases - Principle 5 of 5

Good Day to all of you.

# Freedom From Diseases #

# Principle 5 of 5 – Stop taking all Medicines #

Diseases indicate the presence of  accumulated wastes inside our body.

Like how, we don't want to keep wastes inside our homes, our body also doesn't want to keep the wastes inside it.

Diseases are the effort of our body to send out the accumulated wastes.

When we have a disease, if we take medicine, it temporarily relieves our pain. This is being done by suppressing (that is, sending back) the wastes inside our body, which are trying to come out.

We will be permanently cured from a disease, only when the wastes come out.

Over and above all medicines kill our immunity power, which is a protection shield of our body

All medicines come with severe side effects, which create critical diseases like Cancer, Kidney Failure, Heart problems, Diabetes, Hormone problems, and what not.

Even a Crocin Tablet has severe side effects.

*** What happens when medicines are given to human body? ***

Dr. Deepak Chopra, M.B.B.S., M.D.,  says in his book: Quantum Healing:

"Injecting adrenaline, insulin, or glucose separately into the body gives it a crude jolt. The chemicals immediately flood all the receptor sites without coordination from the brain. Instead of talking to the body, they assault it with single-minded insistence.  Even though the chemical make-up of adrenaline is identical no matter where it is derived, the critical ingredient of intelligence must be present; otherwise, the drug's action is a mockery of the real thing.

Here is a related example to show the complicated results of giving a drug that seems simple.

Hypertension patients are generally told to bring down their elevated blood pressure with diuretics-drugs that take water from the cells and pass it out of the system through urination.

This can lead to malnutrition combined with severe dehydration. In the view of some endocrinologists, the dehydration induced by diuretics in the presence of alcohol or tranquilizers is the leading cause of death among older Americans.

Since potassium is close to sodium in its atomic structure, the diuretic also causes it to be depleted, leading to weakness, fatigue, and leg cramps. (Less-adverse effects are gene rally noticed by the leaching of other trace elements, such as zinc and magnesium.)."

*** At the same time our body secretes all the required medicines. *** 

Dr. Deepak Chopra, MBBS., MD., further says in his book: Quantum Healing

"The frustrating reality, as far as medical researchers are concerned, is that we already know that the living body is the best pharmacy ever devised. It produces diuretics, painkillers, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, antibiotics, and indeed everything manufactured by the drug companies, but it makes them much, much better.  The dosage is always right and given on time; side effects are minimal or non-existent; and the directions for using the drug are included in the drug itself, as part of its built-in intelligence."

***  So, to get well, let us say no to medicines. ***


Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Going to bed by 9pm in the night - Principle 4 of 5 - Freedom From Diseases

Good Day to all of you.

# Freedom From Diseases #

# Principle 4 of 5 – Going to bed by 9pm in the night #

Between 10pm to 3am every night, if we are in deep sleep, the following 4 activities are happening in our body.

1. Our body carries out all the repair works. It means, healing takes place in our body which helps us to come out of all diseases.

2. Toxins are removed from our body.

3. All the necessary hormones for the day to day functioning of our body are secreted.

4. All the medicines required by our body are secreted.

To make this happen, if we go to bed by 9pm, then we will get deep sleep by 10pm.  And after 3am in the morning, we can get up at any time we are comfortable.  That's 4am or 5am or 6am or 7am or 10am.

(To be continued....)


Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Monday, 17 October 2016

Taking Rest when our body needs it - Freedom From Diseases - Principle 3 of 5

Good Day to all of you.

# Freedom From Diseases #

# Principle 3 of 5 – Taking Rest when our body needs it #

Our body communicates with us continuously through Hunger, Thirst, Rest, Sleep, etc.

We have already seen how it does so through expressing Hunger and Thirst.

Now let us see 'Rest':

What are the health difficulties faced by our body?

Fever, headache, pain, tiredness, giddiness, increase in Blood Pressure, etc.

When our body expresses its difficulties in the above manner, it tells us that there is some repair work needs to be carried out for doing which we need to take rest.

The duration of the rest may be from 5 minutes to  a day or two.  It depends on the severity of the repair work.

Say for example, when the Blood Pressure shoots up or head aches or when we feel giddy, etc., we have to stop all our work, close our eyes and sit down in a place, just for 5 minutes.  On 90% of such occasions, by doing so we will come out of our problem.  If it goes beyond that, it means our body wants more rest.  If we are in our house, we can even lie down for five minutes.

So when you experience these difficulties next time, don't rush to hospital or take pills, because they will not solve your problems.

Okay, if I don't take rest when my body wants it, what will happen?

When we continue to deny the rest required by our body, our body accumulates the rest it needs and it will create a serious trouble which will not allow us to even walk.  Then we will end up in ICU and stay there for weeks together and take the rest required by our body.

So, now the choice is in our hands whether to take small rest of 5 minutes whenever our body wants it or to end up in ICU to take rest for weeks or months together.


Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Sunday, 16 October 2016



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Diseases Caused By Excess Water Consumption

# Freedom from Diseases #

Frequently Asked Question:

1. What are the diseases caused by excess water consumption ?

2. What are the diseases caused by indigestion of water ?


It's a lengthy list about which I can talk days  together. And by doing so, I will end up creating fear in your mind.

To put it in a nutshell, eating when we are not hungry and drinking water when we are not thirsty, we create waste in our body. They will go and stay in any part of our body creating diseases. That's how diseases are born.

All diseases can be cured without Medicines.

No need for lab tests.

'Nadi Pariksha' will tell where the root cause of the disease is present.

And by giving treatment based on the Nadi Pariksha, people can come out of all diseases.

Nadi Pariksha is an ancient and effective art of diagnosing diseases. A decade ago it was in it's deathbed.  My Acupuncture Gurus have revived it.

So, leading a disease free life has become a reality now.

-  Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases"

Saturday, 15 October 2016

How to drink water .......

Good Day to all of you.

# Freedom From Diseases #

# Principle 2 of 5 – Drinking Water #


The digestion of any item we drink or eat starts in our mouth itself.  Hence, while drinking water we have to take one mouthful of water at a time and allow it to stay in our mouth for few seconds, then we can swallow it.

It serves three purposes:

1. With the required quantity of water, our thirst is quenched.

2. Water gets digested properly in the mouth.

3. By doing like this, we will take only the right quantity of water and we will not drink excess water.
The saliva in our mouth should digest the water we drink.

There in our stomach, the digestive enzymes which are present in our saliva are not there.  Our stomach has got some other digestive enzymes. When we just pour one glass full of water without allowing it to stay in our mouth, it directly goes to our stomach.  It results in indigestion of water creating diseases.

To avoid this, when we drink water we should allow it to stay in our mouth for few seconds and swallow it.


Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Friday, 7 October 2016

Constipation and Drinking More Water

Good Day to all of you.

*# Freedom From Diseases # *

# Principle 2 of 5 – Drinking Water #


Frequently Asked Question:

Only when I take 2 glasses of water in the early morning, motion goes freely.  What should I do now?


Today morning if the Sunrise, happens 10 minutes later than the scheduled time, what we will do? The only thing that we can do is, patiently wait for the sunrise to happen, is it not?

Similarly, we have to pass motion, only when it comes.  If we induce motion by drinking 2-3 glasses of water, water content in our body becomes excess and turns as waste - poison.  This will lead to diseases.

If we follow the nature's laws (Eating only when we are Hungry, Drinking water only when we are Thirsty, Taking Rest when our body, Going to bed by 9pm and not taking medicines), motion will automatically come out daily during a fixed time.


Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Drinking Water - Actor Amitabh Bachchan’s legs need to be cut by half a feet.

Good Day to all of you.

# Freedom From Diseases #

# Principle 2 of 5 – Drinking Water #


Yesterday I mentioned here as below:

Actor Amitabh Bachchan’s legs need to be cut by half a feet.

His wife Jaya Bhaduri Bachchan’s legs need to be pulled to increase their length by half a feet.

This is how Allopathy decides how much water a person should drink.  That's based on the average calculations.  Let me explain.

Actor Amitabh Bachchan’s height: 6 feet 3 inches.

His wife Jaya Bhaduri's height: 5 feet 3 inches.

Now Allopathy wants to decide the correct height of Amitabh Bachchan and his wife.

So, Allopathy adds Amitabh Bachchan’s height: 6 feet 3 inches with that of his wife's height: 5 feet 3 inches.

6' 3" + 5' 3" = 11' 6"

Now divide this 11' 6" by 2.

It will come to: 5 feet 9 inches.

So, Allopathy says that this should be the height of both Amitabh and his wife.

If based on this if Amitabh's legs are cut by half a feet and his wife's legs are pulled by half a feet, it makes sense to Allopathy.

But does that make sense to us?

This example has been told by Padhmabushan. Dr. B.M. Hegde, MBBS., MD., former Vice Chancellor of Manipal University.

This is how Allopathy decides, how much water a human being should drink.  That's based on the average calculations.

Allopathy applies this logic not only to drinking water, but also to all the calculations it does which include how much sugar / BP / Thyroid / Platelet count / Cholestrol, etc., a human being should have.

So, if we listen to them and drink 2 litres of water daily religiously, it may be more or it may be less to the quantum of thirst we have.

In both the above cases we will end up in diseases.

So, what should we do now?

We should drink water only to the quantum of thirst we have on a particular day.

That's the Law of Nature.

(to be continued tomorrow)


Acupuncturist. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Principle 2 of 5 – Drinking Water - # Freedom From Diseases #

Good Day to all of you.

# Freedom From Diseases #

Principle 2 of 5 – Drinking Water


Actor Amitabh Bachchan’s legs need to be cut by half a feet.

His wife Jaya Bhaduri Bachchan’s legs need to be pulled to increase their length by half a feet.


Does the above two sentences make sense to you?

If your reply is yes, then religiously daily take two litres of water without fail.  But before doing that, read tomorrow's continuation of this post and decide whether to do so or not.

(to be continued tomorrow)


Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Sunday, 2 October 2016



Place : Raya Raya Kalyana Mantapa, Opp : Chandrashekara Bharati Kalyana Mantapa Next to City Institute K R Road, Chamarajpet, Bangalore On: 16th October 2016 Time : from 10.00 AM onwards

We are happy to invite you to join us at “vadhu-Vara” Samavesha to be conducted on 16th Oct 2016. We are looking for bride/groom along with the application for fresh registrations if any.

We are pleased to inform you that since May 2016, after our first program at Mangalore, 3 marriage proposals have been successfully completed from with the registrations we have and few more are in the pipeline.

We look forward for your support and active participation to en-cash this opportunity by all Karada Members

Thanks and Regards,

For more information please contact 

Nagaraj U
Mob No: 9535000365

Panduranga Gurjar
Mob No: 9342281752