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Showing posts with label Uterus Problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uterus Problems. Show all posts

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Part 2 - Uterus problems can be cured without surgery says Acupuncture....

(this is in continuation of my earlier article titled: 'Uterus problems can be cured without surgery says Acupuncture....' )

In this article let us see what is Uterus problem.

Before delving deep into it, the purpose of this article is in the name of creating awareness, not to scare you by explaining in detail about a disease.

I would like to repeat once again that all diseases can be cured in Acupuncture.  So, keep this in mind and read further.

Patients with Uterus problems may experience one or some of the below given difficulties.

Uterus problem can get expressed in a body in more than hundred different ways.

Here only the most common problems are listed out.

* During Menstrual periods, getting pain in the Stomach, Abdomen, Backside, Knee, Breast, anywhere in the body.

* Irregular Menstrual periods.

* Menstrual periods extending beyond 3-5 days.

* Continuous bleeding during Menstrual periods.

* White discharge.

* Putting up body weight.

* Itching in private parts.

* Not getting conceived (infertility).

Now you may ask a good question, that why Cysts, Fibroid, Tumour, are not explained here.  

Like how dirt is good for Surf Washing Powder company, Cysts, Fibroids, Tumours are doing good to our body.  

Let us see how come it's so...........

Whenever long time waste accumulation is there in our body, which the body is unable to send it out through its regular modes like Urine, Feces, Sweat, Menstrual waste, etc., they safely get converted by our body as Cysts, Fibroids, Tumours, etc.

What do we mean by 'safely' here?

It means, these accumulated wastes are so harmful, that when they are allowed to move freely inside our body, they will lead to critical diseases.  Hence our body converts them into Cysts, Fibroids, Tumours, etc.

Then our body waits for the right time to destroy it or send it out.

What do we mean by right time, here?

It means, getting sufficient Immunity Power to destroy or send out the Cyst, Fibroids, Tumours, etc.

It is a protective mechanism of our body, given to us by nature.

If it's not there, these accumulated wastes will get spread throughout the body, creating umpteen number of diseases.

So, let me repeat, Cysts, Fibroids, Tumours, are doing good to our body. 

Here I would like to warn you that when your Scan Report says  presence of Tumour inside your Uterus or anywhere in the body, not to go for Biopsy.

In Biopsy what they do?

For testing the Tumour in the laboratory, they break the protective wall of the Tumour created by the safety mechanism of our body and take out a small portion of the harmful accumulated wastes stored inside it.  Once the protective wall of the Tumour is broken, the harmful accumulated wastes will come out of the Tumour and start freely moving inside our body, which will lead to critical diseases.

Hope, now you have understood how critical diseases are happening to us.

So, the moral of this article is don't invite trouble by going  for Laboratory Testing and Biopsy.

To conclude, in Acupuncture which tunes us perfectly with nature, Uterus problems can be cured without surgery, lab reports, medicines, hospitalization, which involve several thousands and sometimes few lakhs of our hard earned money.

Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat, D.A.Sc., 

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Uterus problems can be cured without surgery says Acupuncture....

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." - Confucius.

I often hear from my patients that they were asked to undergo Uterus removal surgery (Hysterectomy).

I tell them, not to do it.

The reason being that in Acupuncture, it's very much possible to cure them without removing their Uterus.

Not only removal of Uterus, but removal of any part in our body will have long lasting consequences affecting the quality of life of people who undergo surgeries.

In Acupuncture,

*  No need for Medicines (all medicines come with severe side effects).

* No need for Lab reports (they can't study continuously changing human body, based on which a treatment is given nowadays).

*  No need for surgery.

*  No need for hospitalization.

*  No need of spending few thousands or lakhs as cost of treatment.

*  Permanent cure is possible.

*  All diseases can be cured.

I give below an article written by Dr. Sethuraman K Raman, MD, which explains that for want of money, how unnecessary surgeries are done to remove the Uterus.  We all should thank him for bringing this issue into the limelight.

- Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat, D.A.Sc., 

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."


The End justifies the Means ("Your Uterus at any cost")

Written by:

Dr. Sethuraman K Raman, MD (Int Med). 

The Wolf and the Lamb: 

A wolf cornered a stray lamb and felt compelled to give a reason to justify devouring it. The wolf complained to the lamb, "You insulted me last year." The lamb bleated, "That is not possible, Sir, for I was not born then." "Well. You feed in my pastures", retorted the wolf. "That cannot be, Sir," replied the lamb, "for I have not started eating grass." The wolf raised his voice and said, "Then you must have drunk water from my spring." "No, Sir, I have not yet drunk anything but my mother's milk," said the poor lamb. The wolf ran out of plausible excuses and said, "Well, I am hungry. I have to eat you anyway." He then pounced on the little lamb and devoured it.

Sheela, a 30 year old teacher with pelvic pain, went to her gynaecologist for follow up advice. He had a cursory glance at her case notes and said, "The next step is obvious. Your uterus has to be removed. I shall do it next week."

Sheela started hesitantly, "But doctor, ..."

The doctor said, "Why do you hesitate now? You have severe pain every month."

Sheela: "The pain is now controlled on medicines and ..."

Doctor: "Moreover you have two kids already. Why do you need it anymore?"

Sheela: "No doctor, I would like to avoid surgery if ..."

Doctor: "No 'ifs and buts', Sheela. You don't understand. With ageing there are risks of getting tumours. Why not eliminate the risk and be happy?"

Sheela: "But, doctor ..."

Doctor: "No more questions, Sheela. You bring your husband tomorrow. I shall finalise with him and do you next week."


"You don't need a hysterectomy. It can do you more harm than good. These are strong words but the fact is that more than 90% of hysterectomies are unnecessary and worse, the surgery can have long lasting consequences. It is time we doctors stopped disassembling women. But nothing will change until more women look their doctors in the eye and calmly state their determination to remain intact." (Stanley West, 1994)

A senate committee of the USA has reported that 2.4 million unnecessary operations were performed there at a cost of four billion dollars (equal to 14,000 crore rupees) every year! If a hospital had a watch dog committee to check if surgery was necessary or not, the rate of surgery declined by two-thirds. (Fulder S, 1991).

This is the situation in US where health care seekers are generally aware of their rights and play an active role in medical decision making. One can then imagine the plight of an average Indian patient who unquestioningly accepts any medical advice as the gospel truth. I have come across many young women in their 20's who have had hysterectomy done. The general tone of medical advice for the surgery has been, "You have had your two kids. You do not need your uterus anymore." My colleagues working in gynaecology say that most of these unfortunate cases could have been managed without such a drastic step.

Doing a Caesarian section giving little chance for a normal delivery to occur is another act of taking young women on an unnecessary 'surgical ride'. Scientific studies have shown that it has little to do with medical indications and everything to do with money. In these studies, the professional fees were fixed for every delivery conducted, regardless of its mode (normal or surgical). There was a significant reduction in the rate of Caesarian sections and a proportional rise in normal deliveries.

Removing the tonsils used to be a 'surgical epidemic' earlier. The ear-nose-throat surgeons are more conservative now. Due to the ease of laparoscopic surgery and the income generated by this hi-tech procedure, the gallbladder and the appendix have become the current victims.

I find it hard to believe that even removal of the eye-lens has succumbed to the market pressures. My ophthalmic colleagues say that they have documented cases who went to a hi-tech ophthalmic centre with presbyopia (age-related problems of near vision) to be advised 'urgent intra ocular lens implantation'.

Bernard Shaw, in the preface to his famous play 'The Doctor's Dilemma', has made the following observations which were scandalous in 1906 but are entirely appropriate today.

"It is not the fault of our doctors that the medical service of the community, as at present provided for, is a murderous absurdity. That any sane nation should go on to give a surgeon a pecuniary interest in cutting off your leg, is enough to make one despair of political humanity. But that is what we have done. It may also be necessary to hang a man or pull down a house. But we take good care not to make the hangman and the house breaker the judges of that. If we did, no man's neck would be safe and no man's house stable."

Taking charge of decisions:

If you want to be an informed seeker of health care, discuss with the surgeon the following points before agreeing to undergo any procedure:

1. What is actually wrong with me?

2. How serious is this disease/condition?

3. What may happen to me if I leave it untreated?

4. What kind of procedure are you planning to do?

5. Is the procedure being done for diagnosis, for treatment or for both?

6. What are the risks of this procedure?

7. What are the chances that the proposed procedure will be successful in my case?

8. Will the benefits of surgery last long, or is it just a temporary measure?

9. Are any alternate procedures/treatments available?

10. Of these, which do you think would be the best for me? Why?

11. If your relative were in my position, would you choose the same for him/her? (If there is a difference between 10 and 11 please explain it.)

12. Could you suggest any source of information on this disease that I could read or watch?

13. What is the total cost of the procedure likely to be?

14. Is there any follow-up costs involved after the procedure?

It is good to take a second opinion before taking major decisions. An ethical doctor would welcome it.