Sunday 27 November 2016

Part 4 - Acupuncture Versus Allopathy (Modern Medicine) - What is basic life energy and what happens when it is exhausted?

Good Day To You All

# Freedom From Diseases #


What is basic life energy and what happens when it is exhausted?

Answer given by:

Father of Indian Acupuncture. Dr. Fazlur Rahman, M.B.B.S., M.D., Phd. (Acupuncture):

Basic life energy is the self sustaining inherent energy of a cell or an organ, which has the capacity to function on its own, without the aid of food, water or air energy.

For example, till the child is born, the lung is a heavy and solid mass, lying inside the chest wall. When the child is born, the lung begins its function on its own by expanding and drawing into the air energy.

Simultaneously, large intestine also begins its function by passing stool. But for this inherent energy potential, functional activities of an organ can not take place.

The function of the basic life force is to self sustaining the normal life activities of a cell and to protect it against all evil forces.

When poisonous substances like drugs, which act against the direction of the life force and thus not in tune with the biological activities of our system, enter the cells, the basic life energy begins its activity against them.

Liver is an important organ in detoxifying any poison that enters the blood. During this process liver exhausts its energy much faster because the medicines are continuously and repeatedly administered.

As the liver gets exhausted in its basic life energy, it produces symptoms like lack of appetite, a feeling of vomiting and tiredness and giddiness ensues.

These are inevitable side effects of any medicine that enters our system. Ignorant of this, modern medicine administers various drugs to counter each of the side effects and further deprives the liver of its energy. From this stage onwards starts a more profound medically introduced disease, which involves the entire system, crippling an individual for life.

(to be continued.....)


Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat, D.A.Sc.,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Saturday 26 November 2016

Part 3 - Acupuncture Versus Allopathy (Modern Medicine) - What causes infection?

Good Day To You All

# Freedom From Diseases #


Will you please tell us what causes infection?

Answer given by:

Father of Indian Acupuncture. Dr. Fazlur Rahman, M.B.B.S., M.D., Phd. (Acupuncture):

Generally the bacteria are present on the surface of our skin, intestinal tract, and respiratory and urinary passages. But they do not grow in excess as to cause infection as long as the vitality of the skin or the organs is preserved.   In case there appears a weakness in an organ, or, there is a loss of integrity of the skin due to injury, the vitality and resistance of the cells are lowered. To overcome this the number of bacteria increases in order to enhance the immunity of the devitalized cells. At this stage of bacterial growth, there may be mild symptoms of infection. This is only temporary and heals spontaneously because of the growing local immunity, along with the increased bacterial growth. Any interference in this natural growth of bacteria caused by applying antiseptic lotions will stop the immune mechanism from functioning and lead to a sure and progressive infection.

Question :

But, antibiotics do play a role in containing and curing over whelming infections. How can you simply reject them?

Answer given by:

Father of Indian Acupuncture. Dr. Fazlur Rahman, M.B.B.S., M.D., Phd. (Acupuncture):

Antibiotics, in fact, have a very little supportive role in containing overwhelming infections. In the first place, the patient has enough vitality and resistance to withstand the infection without which he would have succumbed to it. Even if you flood him with antibiotics, in the absence of his natural resistance, you cannot achieve anything. For example, in patients who are debilitated and who are poor in vital strength due to advanced cancer or diabetes, even a simple infection becomes fulminant and ends up in gangrene resulting in their death. This will never happen if only the patient has enough immunity and resistance.


I am getting confused!

Answer given by:

Father of Indian Acupuncture. Dr. Fazlur Rahman, M.B.B.S., M.D., Phd. (Acupuncture):

It means you are beginning to understand. Let it be very clear to us.

The first effect of antibiotics is giving a death blow to the immune system of our body.

Secondly, since the antibiotics are chemicals and not in tune with out system, they are poisonous. The moment a medicine enters the body, the body system rebels against it and rejects it. The body strains its every nerve to eliminate it from the body through all possible outlets-through faces, urine, sweat, and saliva. Sometimes they are excreted through the milk and exhaled through the breath also. This is severe form of exertion on the part of our system and in the process it loses much of its basic life energy.

(to be continued.....)


Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat, D.A.Sc.,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Friday 25 November 2016

Part 2 - Acupuncture Versus Allopathy (Modern Medicine)

# Freedom From Diseases #

Good Day To You All

Question: (continued from Part 1: )

Would you kindly explain the contradiction?

Answer given by:

Father of Indian Acupuncture. Dr. Fazlur Rahman, M.B.B.S., M.D., Phd. (Acupuncture):

Allopathy can’t be a subject worthy of serious study as its basic principles are illogical although it claims to have ‘twin concepts’ constituting a strong base for its success and popularity.

Now let us consider the ridiculous twin concepts.

First let us take the “Bacterial Theory”.

According this theory, bacteria are essential germs necessary for our survival since the presence of germs in our body provides us the resistance and immunity against the disease germs.

Now let’s consider how bacteria and germs give us immunity or resistance against disease.

Typhoid fever is caused by typhoid bacteria; diphtheria by diphtheria bacteria; polio is caused by polio virus and tetanus by tetanus bacteria.

To protect a person from typhoid fever, typhoid bacteria are killed and injected into the body, as typhoid vaccine. This vaccine containing typhoid bacteria gives us immunity and resistance against typhoid fever.

Similarly, D.P.T. vaccine containing germs of diphtheria, pertussis bacteria (producing whooping cough) and tetanus bacteria, protects us from diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus respectively.

Thus every bacterium is essential to our  bodily system, because each of them functions in our body as specific vaccine against diseases each bacterium is capable of causing. These bacteria present in our body, sustain our immunity and resistance. Hence they are indispensable to a healthy life.

Therefore, the Bacterial Theory earn the credibility to gain the status of a well conceived fact.

Now, the Second: “The Anti-bacterial theory or the antibiotic theory.”

This theory contradicts and annihilates the ‘bacterial theory’ because antibiotics kill and eliminate the presence of bacteria in our body. Once a particular bacterium is removed from the body by an antibiotics, the immunity against the disease that the particular bacterium is capable of effecting in the body, begins to fall. This fall in the resistance against the bacteria causes increased growth of the same bacteria.


How then do you account for a patients getting cured from fever due to infection, after taking antibiotics?

Answer given by:

Father of Indian Acupuncture. Dr. Fazlur Rahman, M.B.B.S., M.D., Phd. (Acupuncture):

Normally there is an equilibrium between the vitality of an organ and the numerical strength of bacteria. When the vitality of the cellular structure of an organ becomes weak, the bacteria begin to grow faster and the equilibrium gets disturbed. This results in symptoms like pain, pus formation, fever and body pain. This is the state of infection.

Now, the antibiotics are administered to eliminate bacteria. Since the bacterial growth in excess causes the symptoms of infection, removal of bacteria causes the symptoms to subside. But what follows is the deadly consequence that allopathy is ignorant of.

When the bacteria are wiped out, the immunity we have been enjoying due to their presences and resistance against the same bacteria are destroyed thus we are exposed to more virulent and frequent infections. This explains the recurrence of symptoms with more virulence and the need for stronger antibiotics and longer cures of treatment. In this way a simple, disease is rendered chronic whether it is simple sinusitis, tonsillitis, ear infection, amoebiasis, appendicitis, bronchitis or a simple case of pimples in adolescents.

Nothing can be cured by administering antibiotics, but can only be transformed into an aggravated and chronic form.

(to be continued.....)


Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat, D.A.Sc.,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."

Thursday 24 November 2016

Part 1 - Acupuncture Versus Allopathy (Modern Medicine)

Good Day To You All

# Freedom From Diseases #


You are Allopathic doctors. Why have you opted for Acupuncture?

Answer given by: Father of Indian Acupuncture. Dr. Fazlur Rahman, M.B.B.S., M.D., Phd. (Acupuncture):

In the third year of the M.B.B.S. course we were taught Pharmacology. A very important ideology of modern medicine, as stated by Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine, is:

“Not to harm a patient in the first place”.

But in practice it is exactly the opposite. Yes, we harm the patient in the first place!

For example, when we take a drug for Arthritis, Migraine or Sinus, even before the drug could have any effect on the disease, the harmful side effects of the drug begin to kill us.

This contradiction in what we read and what we find in actual clinical practice has been the reason for our dissatisfaction with Allopathic system of medicine.

(to be continued.....)


Acu Healer. Kuntikana RadhaKrishna Bhat, D.A.Sc.,

"Acupuncture Can Cure All Diseases."